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Regular Nanny

Regular Nanny 1 Children 2 Children 3 Children
Package 1: 1 to 10 hours per week €12.00 €13.00 €14.00
Package 2: 11 to 20 hours per week €11.00 €12.00 €13.00
Package 3: 21 to 34 hours per week €10.50 €11.00 €12.00
Package 4: 35 to 40+ per week €10.00 €10.50 €11.00

Occasional Babysitting

Occasional Babysitting 1 Children 2 Children 3 Children
Evenings, Weekends, Public holidays €12.00 €13.00 €14.00


Au-Pairs Up to 3 months 3 to 6 months 6 to 12 months
Fix agency fees €200.00 €300.00 €500.00

Live-in Nannies

Live-in Nannies
Price on request
*all prices are per hour,excluding VAT